Hunterdon Art Museum

Hunterdon Art Museum Member Highlight

Solo Exhibition The Paper Boat Projects

7 Lower Center St. Clinton, NJ 08809 March 11-April 30, 2023


Saturday March 11, 2PM-4PM

The Paper Boat Projects story:

The last three years have been interesting to say the least. At the beginning of 2021 I worked to find a way to maintain a focus in my studio as chaos clamored and the virus forced us into a shelter-in-place mode. With so much uncertainty, I needed an element in my practice that would engage me and keep my mind and hands working.

​I decided to create boats made from paper. For several years, the boat form had been moving in and out of my visual vernacular. I planned to keep making boats until I was able to create a public launch when the virus had dissipated and I could bring friends and family together..

​The boats were made using both craft paper and collage (opaque) and Japanese Kozo paper (translucent). They are varnished to make them waterproof and trimmed with linen twine.

​The first of the Paper Boat Projects took place in April 2022 on Earth Day weekend. I released the boats on Angele and Brant Switzler's farm pond in Stockton NJ with friends and family around to celebrate the day.

​Being together and the quiet drift of the paper boats was good medicine for all of us.

The Paper Boat Projects installation will be on view at the Hunterdon Museum of Art March 30 - April 30, 2023. The opening reception is on March 11, 2pm-4pm with an artist talk w/Q&A in the River Gallery (2nd floor)

​​Liz Mitchell